Saturday 12 June 2010


Ok so as you can see, I don't write to this blog at all. I'm in the process of putting together a professional blog on Word Press. It is carrying on my concept of Original Worlds however it is much more professional and thought out.

I just thought I would put up a little notice of what has happened in my writing career over the past year.

I returned to Uni as a Part Time Student having sealed a job as a Copywriter and Email Marketeer for an Online Makreting company. So I now get paid to write and send out emails to people, brill. It's not all glam and quite often hard work, but I do enjoy it.

Working in this environment has given me some really powerful knowledge in online marketing and the development of websites etc. which is why I decided to start my Original Worlds project again with my new found knowledge.

I'll put a link up on here when I launch the blog.

I hope you are well and having fun.

Nathan A Smith

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